• Go Go Go les Turtles et autres chéloniophiles
  • Il vaut mieux marcher sur une tortue réveillée que sur un patin à roulettes endormi
  • Lièvres je vous en prie souvenez-vous du jour du fameux jour où la tortue est arrivée avant vous
  • Rien ne sert de courir, il faut partir à point
  • La tortue est la plus sage car elle transporte sa maison.
  • Celui qui se lève tard ne voit jamais la tortue se brosser les dents le matin.
  • Rien ne sert de courir, mieux vaut s'asseoir sur la tortue !
  • Il faut prendre les femmes comme on prend les tortues : en les mettant sur le dos.
  • “And the turtles, of course... All the turtles are free- As turtles and, maybe, all creatures should be.”
  • “GUILLOTINE, n. A machine which makes a Frenchman shrug his shoulders with good reason. In his great work on _Divergent Lines of Racial Evolution_, the learned Professor Brayfugle argues from the prevalence of this gesture
    --the shrug --among Frenchmen, that they are descended from turtles and it is simply a survival of the habit of retracing the head inside the shell. It is with reluctance that I differ with so eminent an authority, but in my judgment (as more elaborately set forth and enforced in my work entitled _Hereditary Emotions_ --lib. II, c. XI) the shrug is a poor foundation upon which to build so important a theory, for previously to the Revolution the gesture was unknown. I have not a doubt that it is directly referable to the terror inspired by the guillotine during the period of that instrument's activity.”
  • You're slower than a herd of turtles stampeding through peanut butter.
  • Tentative de traduction: Tu es plus lent qu'un troupeau de tortues s'enfuyant sur du beurre d'arachide.
Que l'on pourrait adapter en: You're slower than a herd of turtles racing on dirt tracks